
The Lost Message (5E)

Created by Andrea Scholer

A Fifth Edition DnD roleplaying mystery adventure like no other.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Dragon
about 2 years ago – Sun, Jan 08, 2023 at 09:10:20 PM

On December 21, 2022, WOTC via DnD Beyond announced changes to their Open Gaming License (OGL). Within the last couple of days, reputable gaming publications have obtained a leaked version of the OGL, the release of which they say is imminent. According to these leaks, the new OGL is highly restrictive and will unauthorize all previous OGLs. The Lost Message, which was advertised as 5e compatible, will still be released, but it is affected by these sudden changes.

These are breaking developments with the potential to change.

Where are the simultaneously laughing and crying dragon emojis?

For anyone who hasn’t heard, within the last couple of days, leaks of the upcoming changes to the OGL – the legal document that allows third party creators like me to release 5e content – have set the DnD community forums on fire because of how restrictive the changes appear to be. WOTC intend to implement the changes as part of their restructuring of the game from 5e to One DnD. Though they plan to launch One DnD further into the future, the new OGL is reportedly imminent.

Gizmodo, an online publication of tech, science, and culture, writes: “One of the biggest changes to the document is that it updates the previously available OGL 1.0 to state it is ‘no longer an authorized license agreement.’ By ending the original OGL, many licensed publishers will have to completely overhaul their products and distribution in order to comply with the updated rules… According to attorneys consulted for this article, the new language may indicate that Wizards of the Coast is rendering any future use of the original OGL void, and asserting that if anyone wants to continue to use Open Game Content of any kind, they will need to abide by the terms of the updated OGL, which is a far more restrictive agreement than the original OGL.”

The biggest change that will affect many creators on Kickstarter is the elimination of any digital content that is not a static PDF as a reward or stretch goal. Kickstarter is specifically referenced in the leaked document, partly in terms of royalties WOTC would like some creators to begin paying, but also in terms of said ban on digital content. They label printable materials such as paperbacks, hardcovers, and static PDFs as Licensed Works and all non-static digital content, including those essential to virtual tabletops, as Infringing Materials. The new OGL states: “You may only crowdfund the production of Licensed Works… No Infringing Materials are given out as perks or rewards.”

On January 5, 2023, in response to these changes, Jon Ritter, the Director of Games on Kickstarter, wrote on Twitter: “Kickstarter was contacted after WoTC decided to make OGL changes, so we felt the best move was to advocate for creators, which we did. Managed to get lower % plus more being discussed. No hidden benefits / no financial kickbacks for KS. This is their license, not ours, obviously.”

According to in an article released on January 6, 2023: “Rumors surrounding the OGL have swirled for weeks, putting many creators on edge. And while Wizards of the Coast previously sought to reassure creators who use the OGL to publish their own D&D material for profit that changes to the OGL would be minimal and would only impact a handful of creators, the new leak has caused many publishers to pause their upcoming projects as they wait to read the new OGL… has spoken with over 20 small to mid-sized creators who have said that in-progress projects set to be published under the OGL have been placed on hold due to yesterday's leak… Others were looking at alternative game systems to use.”

What does this mean for The Lost Message?

Since the release of The Lost Message in PDF format has already been pushed back once, I have decided to cautiously move forward with its release instead of waiting for the new OGL to drop. Because of its low-combat, high-mystery structure, I believe I will be able to release it nearly as is, with only a few minor changes. It was designed to be scalable and is not overly dependent on specific combat stats nor skill checks. This inherit adaptability will allow me to release an adventure that is still highly 5e/One DnD compatible, but it is not restricted to its language and branding. This is important as The Lost Message is a highly immersive experience with a lot of digital content that can be used or discarded at will.

I realize that I’m fortunate that I’m able to do this. I feel for my fellow third-party creators, especially those who are financially dependent on the material they craft, who have no choice but to pause their projects and wait and see what happens with the new OGL. I’m still a fan of DnD and respect WOTCs decision to make the changes they see fit, but I also understand the burden this puts on many.

Will the PDF still be available on January 8th?

I’m making the small but necessary changes to The Lost Message now. It won’t cause a major delay, not like before, since the edits are so minimal. To get the material out as fast as possible, I’ll be staggering the release of everything, beginning with the printer-friendly version of the PDF, which is the easiest for me to edit and should be complete within the next couple of days. This will be followed by the high-quality, art-intensive PDF, which will then be followed by all digital content, with the goal of having all materials available for download within the next week or two. A lot of content won’t need any alteration, but I just want to go through everything again as this is an important legal matter.

What does this mean for the print versions of the adventure?

Upon reading WOTC’s announcement on December 21, I did contact the POD printer I’m using and was able to pause the order while I tried to figure out the legal implications of the new OGL. The first batch, a smaller test group, had already been shipped, so some of you may have already or will receive the previous copy. Though the changes are minimal, you’ll also receive the updated copy once printing resumes.

The good news is, now that the holidays are over, the printer is back on a normal printing schedule with no excessive backlog, so printing and shipping times are fairly quick. As soon as I upload the new file to the printer, printing and shipping will almost immediately resume. Everyone should receive a shipping confirmation by the end of the month. Delivery time after shipping is dependent on your region of the world.

Where can I learn more about changes to the OGL?

Gizmodo, Dungeons & Dragons’ New License Tightens Its Grip on Competition, updated January 5, 2023:, Dungeons & Dragons Community Holds Breath as Wizards of the Coast Prepares New OGL, January 6, 2023:

Polygon, D&D’s stricter licensing rules might impact some beloved RPGs, January 5, 2023:

IGN, Wizards of the Coast OGL Change Draws Ire From Creators and Fans Alike: 'It's Not Right', updated January 6, 2023:

The first official announcement by WOTC on December 21, 2022 via DnD Beyond:

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! If you’re a fellow creator – don’t worry, we’ll all get through this together.

Lots of love,


A Glitch in the Icetrix
about 2 years ago – Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 09:46:25 PM

A Glitch in the Icetrix

Transcript of the following video message from Wintergreen:


Due to ongoing technical difficulties, the PDF version of The Lost Message and all accompanying digital material will be delivered on January 8th. This correlates with the time paperback and hardcover backers should begin receiving their physical copies of the book, the printing and shipping of which has not been affected by the technical difficulties and is still on schedule.

In order to provide a fun, immersive experience, more digital content than was advertised will be available to download. It was meant to be a surprise, but delivery of the larger files in an easy-to-access but secure manner has proved an unexpected challenge. A solution has been found, but some files have to be reworked to a smaller size.

Thank you for your continued patience.



Two Halves of a Puzzle
about 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 01:24:59 AM

Two Halves of a Puzzle

Hi everyone!

Two Notices:

1.) Just a reminder for those who completed the Backerkit survey and added their shipping information for physical copies of the adventure: Cards will be charged this Friday, December 2nd. Surveys were supposed to lock today, but I'll lock them on December 1.

2.) Delivery of the PDF and digital add-ons will be a little late. Because of the file size of some of the items, I had a specific delivery method I planned to use that I thought was both secure and had ease of access, but as I prepare to ship the PDFs out at midnight tonight, I'm experiencing some technical issues that I'm not sure I'll be able to resolve until this weekend when I'm off work. If I can't resolve the issues, I'll have to look for a new delivery method. Regardless, this should be taken care of by the end of the weekend. I apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience as I navigate through the delivery of my first project.

With that said, I do believe The Lost Message turned out better than I could have expected, and I reaaaaaallllllllllly look forward to finally sharing the adventure with you this week!

Stay warm out there!



The First Snowfall: Surveys Have Been Sent
about 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 01:21:56 AM

Surveys have been sent! However, it may be a few days before you receive your survey as Backerkit must first review the survey and then releases it in batches. 

Please don’t worry if you don’t receive your Backerkit survey right away. You should receive it by the end of the week at the very latest.

I was mistaken about confirmation of email on the survey. (The woes of a first project.) There is no place to confirm your email, just your shipping information. If your email address has changed, please direct message me on Kickstarter with your new email address.

Confirmation of shipping address for physical copies of the adventure can and should be done through the Backerkit survey.

How Backerkit Surveys Work:

In the Backerkit survey, the amount you pledged on Kickstarter is treated as a credit. So:

-If your pledge level was PDF-Only, and you don’t upgrade your pledge level nor do you purchase any add-ons, then your remaining balance will be $0 and no payment information will be needed. In other words, you’re all set! Because of this, if your pledge level is PDF-Only, you do not need to complete the Backerkit survey, but you can if you choose to.

-If your pledge level includes a physical copy of the book, and you don’t upgrade your pledge level nor do you purchase any add-ons, then after you confirm your shipping information, your remaining balance will only be the amount owed for shipping, depending on the country you live in, somewhere between $5 - $15.

-If you upgrade your pledge level or purchase any add-ons, then these will be reflected in your remaining balance.

Please note: Payment cards will not be charged right away. They will be charged on December 2nd.

Switching Your Pledge Level:

You can upgrade your pledge level to a higher tier using the Switch Your Pledge Level link on the first page of the survey. It is usually in smaller text under the bigger Get Started! button. The amount you already pledged on Kickstarter will be applied towards the higher tier. You’ll just need to pay the difference, plus any applicable shipping costs.

Unfortunately, you cannot switch your pledge level to a lower tier. If you do, you will have excess credit that cannot be refunded.


The main add-on available is a tip jar generated by Backerkit. All tips will be used towards creating my next adventure and are very much appreciated. There is also a free mystery one-shot adventure, but this will be added in everyone’s digital package regardless and is mostly there because it seemed Backerkit wouldn’t let me move forward with the survey without at least one custom add-on.

Note on Shipping:

You are responsible for any Customs fees that may be required by your government.

Reminder of Important Dates:

November 29th: Surveys will close but cards will not be charged.

November 30th: PDFs and other digital content will be delivered.

December 2nd: Cards will be charged. Only applicable for those with a remaining balance on their survey, such as for shipping fees or upgraded pledge levels.

December 3rd onward: Physical copies of the books will be printed and shipped. Most books should arrive between December and mid January. This timeframe includes the holiday delay.

Have a wonderful week!


Relative Space and Time... line of Surveys and Fulfillment
about 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 10:39:54 PM

Surveys will be sent on November 5th!

Hi everyone!

Here is the timeline for fulfillment of The Lost Message:

(Some dates may be subject to change.)

November 5th: Surveys will be sent out via Backerkit.

November 29th: Surveys will close but cards will not be charged.

November 30th: PDFs and other digital content will be delivered. Yay!

December 2nd: Cards will be charged. Only applicable for shipping fees on physical (paperback and hardcover) products.

December 3rd onward: Physical copies of the books will be printed and shipped. Most books should arrive between December and mid January. This timeframe includes the holiday delay.

Reminder of What Surveys Are:

The main purpose of the survey is for all backers to confirm their email address and, if applicable, their shipping information prior to fulfillment of the project. It is also an opportunity for those whose pledge level includes a physical copy of the adventure to pay for shipping fees. Instructions on how to complete the survey will be included upon its release.

Update on Add-Ons:

It was previously announced that add-ons would be included in the survey. However, with the time restraints and holiday shipping schedules, and with this being my first project, I've returned to my previous resolve of limiting the physical fulfillment to just books. Next time!

I hope everyone had a hauntingly fun Halloween adventure last night!
